Your next fix and flip

(without the fixing and flipping)

Earn passive income from trusted real estate investment professionals. Get started with as little as $10,000

Why invest with ReZamp?


Our investments offer consistent high yield returns year after year.

Truly Passive

Every property is fully managed by our team of investors, so you can feel free to do what you want.


Feel free to split your investment between different projects.

Growth in Mind

Start your portfolio with as little as $10,000. Invest in projects and reinvest the returns time and time again!

Alternative Investment

Don't let the stock market volatility tank your portfolio. Ensure consistent guaranteed returns every year.


Every investor is vetted and every project is underwritten to ensure nothing slips through the cracks.

About ReZamp

Seasoned Professionals

Our team has over 50 years of real estate experience combined.

Licensed Bank

ReZamp is also a licensed mortgage bank in the state of Arizona


We have the same goals as you. Our vested interest is making our investors happy with big returns!

How it works

Step 1


Browse our active opportunities to find the perfect investment for you!

Step 2


Determine your investment size, review the terms, e-sign, and then fund your portfolio quickly and easily over the website.

Step 3


Watch your real estate investment portfolio grow and reinvest the returns and dividends.
